Friday, July 11, 2014


Dieting is so hard.

Every morning I wake up and tell myself it's a new day just to be sitting with a gallon of ice cream that afternoon.

But food is so good. I mean onion rings, grilled cheese, french fries, sweets, soda. I mean yum!

But I have to start somewhere so today is the day. Today is the day to start taking my life back by putting the ice cream down.

I am such a sweet eater that I will allow myself some sweets throughout the day. Okay. One sweet a day. Seriously. One sweet a day. But what I like about that is that I will really cherish that one moment when I am eating that sweet whatever it might be that day. It will give me something to look forward to and I won't feel guilty because I'm on my diet and sticking to my plan.

This is what I did to lose my first thirty pounds and it will be what I do to lose another thirty. And then I will be at my goal weight.

I keep telling myself that another thirty won't be that hard to do as long as I stay focused and just realize why I need to do this.

For my health and for Ryan. I already see my eating habits in him. He doesn't eat sweets but he is such a picky eater. He tells me he doesn't like everything before he has even tried it. The child could live on hot dogs and cheetos.

I also really need to start exercising again. I stay pretty busy between Ryan and the dogs but I could do more. So I am charging my fitbit again as we speak and am going to make my goal of 10,000 steps every singe day. It's really not hard especially if you just march in place while watching your favorite show which is what I do a lot of.

And I think it helps because instead of eating because I am bored I am walking and doing something for my health.

And yes. This is my millionth time to restart my diet. But I think most dieters go through this. They have their ups and downs but the focus is trying to have more ups than downs.

So with my chin up (thankfully I still only have one) I am going to the park with Ryan and starting on my 10,000 steps for the day.

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